Fresh as a Daisy Editing

Specializing in the Copy and Line Editing of fiction, as well as manuscript consultations, Fresh as a Daisy Editing is a professional editing service.

My strength lies in my ability to quickly understand your vision and to work with you to develop your story to its full potential, whether that includes a line or copy edit or a more involved developmental edit.

How can I help?

Hi! My name is Holly Mangin. Born and raised in the United States, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in English before accepting my first teaching position in January 2000. Then, while helping students with grammar and literature analysis, I earned a Master of Science Degree in English Education before moving countries. Now living in France, I continue to teach English Literature, and through editing, I also get the opportunity to work with incredible authors and storytellers.

I’m a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association and a partner member of the Alliance of Independent Authors. I’m also an author. I co-authored a book, wrote a fanfiction novella, and authored two novels, The House on the Lake, which won the gold medal for Adult Fiction in the Wishing Shelf Book Awards in 2021, and Within These Walls, a 2023 Wishing Shelf Awards finalist.

As much as I love reading and writing, helping others makes me happy. And assisting authors in honing their stories is what I do. I would love the opportunity to help you with yours!

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Copy Editing

Copy Editing

If you believe you're ready to publish, but you want to check for consistency and fluidity, this service is for you. With Copy Editing, your manuscript will undergo one thorough pass. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation will be taken into account as will noticeable inconsistencies in plot and character development. Questions, comments, and suggestions will be placed in the margin of your manuscript for you to consider.

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Line Editing

Line Editing

Unlike Copy editing, Line editing looks at the style of your writing, the creative approach used to tell your story. What language are you using to communicate your story with your audience?

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Manuscript Analysis and Assessment

Manuscript Analysis and Assessment

I will read your full manuscript and compile feedback in an extensive editorial letter, usually ranging from 3-6 pages. The editorial letter covers feedback on a range of issues, including any or all of the following: pacing; flow of narrative; transitions; voice; plot; structure; dialogue; character development; audience. In addition to the Manuscript Analysis and Assessment report, I insert additional content edits into the margin of your manuscript. This service does NOT include copy or line edits nor does it include proofreading

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Something Else?

Something Else?

Your project is one-of-a-kind, and I intend to treat it as such. Do the other services not meet your needs? Look here for additional services, and if you can't find what you're looking for, please drop me a line (I love getting mail) telling me what you'd like, and I'll try to accommodate you.

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Everyone has a story, whether it’s a short one to tell about your day or a longer one that conveys your hopes, dreams, or even darkest nightmares. And when you’re telling that story, you want your listeners to be engaged, possibly on the edge of their seats, their eyes wide, their heads nodding in understanding or shaking with dread.

What happens next?

But then, let’s say, you stumble. You forget what you were saying or you repeat a few things. All of a sudden, Jim chimes in on what his kid did in Little League, or Marjorie is reminded of what happened to her and interrupts. And your story, your great story, isn’t finished, or it is, but not with as much attention paid to it as before.

Now, let’s say, you wrote that story down. It didn’t take you a couple of minutes to write it. It took months, years, but you worry: what if I stumbled? That’s where I come in.

My name is Holly Hill Mangin, and I'm an editor. I’m also an avid reader of all things romantic, fantastic, mysterious, dark, humorous, and apocalyptic. I’ve read a lot of books. A LOT. Books are my go-to, my happy place, my me-time. And with more people realizing they have stories to tell (More books, yay!), those of us who can help authors keep their footing—by dealing with pesky grammar, typos, and inconsistencies—are needed too.
Eek, another form! I know. But filling out this form will help me better understand what you're looking for in an editor. I promise I will not share your information; it'll stay between us.

Why the Name? image
Fresh as a Daisy Editing pays homage to my mom. She loved daisies and was always supportive of my writing endeavors—of all my endeavors, really. She was there for all the big steps in my life, and I like to think she's there as I move forward with this one too.

Also, the daisy symbolizes new beginnings and became a slang word for something of excellent quality ("That's a daisy" became "That's a doozy"). Fresh as a Daisy is, of course, an expression too. To me, it means one is vulnerable but strong, ready to face the world. A new manuscript should be too.